Islam is the way the truth and the life for over 2 billion inhabitants of the planet, and although many are marginalised none are as disenfranchised as things seem to fall into place in their day to day lives with peace and harmony. So we can only hope in God that the teachings of Monotheism all adhere to, those teachings are only truly found in ISLAM due to the lasting love ISLAM gives.

The teachings of Ustadh Mahmoud Mohammed Taha, we can not forget that he died for us, and by us. The future of our people is in great jeopardy, who has the answers? has God forsaken us? #sudan

ربي اعوذ بك من همزات الشياطين واعوذ بك ربي ان يحضرون
My Lord, I seek refuge in You from the instigations of the devils, and I seek refuge in You, my Lord, from their presence

Islam is the social aspect of a society, a society where you are respected no matter what your color, gender or "creed", Islam has an aspect of showing mercy ingrained into the religion and as we all know, you never go against the grain. 

Don't worry for God is there

Why Faith is important?

why believes in the power of prayer?

1. **Changes Things**: When we pray, we invite God's intervention into our situations. We often see the results we desire because God moves on our behalf, changing what needs to change and removing anything that threatens to harm us. Prayer prevails where preaching sometimes fails, and it is a powerful weapon to transform our lives.

2. **Transforms Us**: Praying builds us up in our inner being and faith. It is transformational when we open our hearts to God. Just as physical food nourishes our bodies, prayer is spiritual nutrition that changes us from within.

3. **Fulfills Desires**: God expects us to pray over our heart's desires because He put them in us. When we pray for desires aligned with His will, we receive them. It's a glorious experience to receive our heart's desires from the Lord, blessing our hearts and growing our faith.

4. **Quiets Storms**: The power of prayer brings peace and quietness to the storms in our lives. After praying, we feel refreshed and ready to face the day, just as Jesus needed breaks from His busy life to recharge and spend time with God.

5. **Dependence on God**: Prayer works because it emphasizes our complete dependence on God. It helps us recognize that without Him, we can't transcend our limitations. Through prayer, we draw closer to God, deepening our relationship with Him through honest communication.

6. **Deep Relationship with God**: Our prayer life brings us closer to God's heart. Like any child communicating with their parents, honest prayer fosters intimacy with Him. It helps us become more like Him and aligns our longings with His purpose for us.

7. **Strength and Righteousness**: Through righteousness and the grace of God, we can use the power of prayer in every aspect of our lives. Abiding in Him through Bible study and prayer allows us to ask for anything good, knowing that He is the source of fulfillment.

Remember that the power of prayer lies not in ourselves but in the God who hears and answers our prayers. It's a privilege to connect with Him through this powerful practice. 

Let the world change for the good

elte26 magazine
elte26 magazine

this is a message for the world, if you cant deal with the scope of that all you gotta do is pass it on to the next generations

Rejoice in the Lord

ماذا شعورك تجاه كونك سوداني زنجي ومسلم؟ ذكر ام انثي
وما هي نظرتك للدنيا وللمستقبل الراهن؟

عن نفسي.. لا اشعر بالفخر ولا اشعر بالعزة ولا اشعر غير بالحاجة والفقر  للناس تالله المصير

العزه بقت في العلم والعمل والشهادات والمناصب

من كان يريد العزة فان العزة لله جميعا

"Whomsoever desires honor, then indeed to Allah belongs all honor"

Its important that we demonstrate a will to being saved and not bring about troubles and tensions. We are all very afraid especially here in the west, may we find our way to fulfill our roles. I pray God gives us guidance and liberates us from our own troubles and injustices.

To learn about God the best thing is to ask Him to teach you about himself, and if you ask backup your will to learn and achieve.

A good day is a step in the right direction, even better is that the marines leave no one behind. I pray we all fulfil our journey successfully, sometimes it's better to journey well than to arrive. 

D'angelo - Tutu
(captions and subtitles)