Be they rich or poor, God is more deserving of them
The Prophetic saying goes "Nothing will fill the mouth of the children of Adam except Dust" , Seems like our Prophet was trying to warn us of our insatiable appetite for self promotion, self accumulation and self gratification. For those the outcome will be that of dirt and poverty.
I am not defiant, i am seeking help for me and you. join us on
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We won't progress with each and everyone of us pulling in a different direction, we need to get better organised. We need a call to faith, or a call to unity or a call to peace or a call to arms. and that must be heeded. No more mr nice guys. We are not part of the hedonistic, get it from each other, western magistrate system which is stuck to its ways like glue.
We need a DemaGogue or parental figure in the middle earth! A representative for humanity - Walk it like i talk it type of leadership or organisation.
نحن بحاجة إلى ديماغوج او شخصيه ابويه في الأرض الوسطى! ممثل للإنسانية - نوع من القيادة أو المنظمة التي تتصرف كما تتحدث
‘Disciples do own unto masters only a temporary belief and a suspension of their own judgement until they be fully instructed, and not an absolute resignation or perpetual captivity. . . So let great authors have their due, as time, which is the author of authors, be not deprived of his due, which is, further and further to discover truth.’
Francis Bacon
‘Reason, or the ratio of all we have already known, is not the same that it shall be when we know more.’
William Blake
dmx prayer (RIP)